Uniting agriculture and conservation.

Global Roots promotes regenerative, equitable, and nutritious plant-based food systems around the world by modeling agricultural conservation projects, partnering with organizations around the world to implement whole systems change, and providing on the ground education programs.

Agriculture can be life-enhancing, regenerative, and in harmony with nature.

Communal land trusts foster active land stewardship for repairing devastated ecosystems.

Whole food plant-based diets prevent and treat many chronic diseases.
Global Roots is on a mission to help educate & create lasting change.
ways to create whole-systems change through in-depth immersion programs.
Explore what you can do in your community to regenerate devastated lands, build habitats, increase biodiversity, and create communal land trusts.
Engage in solutions that work towards regaining control of our food system.
Develop leadership skills, resources, and a network of support.
Experience the impact of our global food system by being immersed in the rich culture of the Dominican Republic.
Programs are for students, educators, artists, and the general public
how Global Roots is supporting projects and how you can become involved.
In the Dominican Republic, we are supporting RAICES GLOBAL in documenting environmental changes over the past 30 years through community mapping. Data from these maps are used to create community projects emphasizing agroforestry, water and soil restoration, community land trusts, health immersions, and more.

On Brightside Farm in North Carolina, we are creating a tree nursery that will provide stock for environmental restoration projects. These projects model how degraded land can be transitioned into plant-based systems while conserving over 90% of land currently used for livestock while actually increasing food production.
Plant-based Conservation Potential
Transition Livestock-Based Agriculture to:
Rewilded Commons
Ninety-five percent of land used for livestock production could be rewilded to support biodiversity without reducing food supply.
Rewilded areas overseen by local stakeholders organized within a community trust.
Successional plantings providing ecological and economic benefits.

Plant-Based Agriculture
Plant-based agricultural systems require significantly less land than livestock-based systems. A global transition to plant-based agriculture would free over a third of all habitable land for conservation without reducing food production. This shift equates to an area larger than the combined landmass of China, Australia, the European Union, and the continental United States.

About how Global Roots is implementing these concepts through a model project

a network of community changemakers.
Whole Communities hosted by the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies provides a space for discussion and collaboration on critical environmental and nutritional issues facing individuals, communities, and the biosphere today. The space hosts online workshops and events to connect and learn from experts working on revolutionizing the food system to optimize personal, communal, and ecological health.
About Whole Communities
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